Thursday, May 20, 2010

Heteronormativity and Intersex

So this week we as a class have been discussing and examining issues of gender identity, sexual orientation, heterosexism, homophobia and heteronormativity in society and how they are projected through media. "But I'm A Cheerleader", the film we screened in class this week, really delved deep into these issues, especially heteronormativity in that the film revolved around a camp called "True Directions", implying that heterosexuality is the only "true" and therefore righteously and naturally acceptable sexuality to practice as a human being. As well this film is a prime example of camp in that through it, the form and content of Hollywood film are both zealously adopted and concurrently satirized for suggestive effect. This film exaggerates and blows out of proportion the idea of heteronormativity in an attempt to deconstruct and discredit its institutionalization in our society. A definitive quality of camp is it's overly emphasized, analytical references to ideas of sexuality and gender, which in my mind exhibits camp's political nature. Relating to the latter topics, we have as well this week briefly touched on the issue of intersex. Intersex is a broad definition for inborn conditions, usually apparent at birth, involving sexual anatomy that is conflicting with typical gender specific anatomy. Before this discussion I had no idea that intersex existed, much less the prevalence of the issue in a social context. Though the term "intersex" is used to designate a biological condition, it is by all means a socially fabricated classification of "Otherness" in that it opposes the dominant norm in a variety of ways. In our society sexual classifications are reduced typically to male and female to alleviate the tension and discomfort of social convergence, "intersex" as a classification playing the same role.


  1. This is Abner Richet one of your class-mate comminting on your blog. I love the fact that you brought that point to my attention, where you have mentioned, before that discussion you did not know that intersex was existed. I felt the same way I never knew that there was even an intersex in our scientific world. You really opened up my eyes with some great points that you have brought up on your blog. What was really confusing to me was the fact that, that guy named Ru-paul who was a teacher and his job was to help these kids to be straight, and at the same time he turned out to be a big the biggest flirt by hiting on that muscular guy...I did not get that part...I whish you brought that part out.

    Thank you,

    Abner T. Richet

  2. Edit Abner Richet said... This is Abner Richet one of your class-mate commenting on your blog. I love the fact that you brought that point to my attention, where you have mentioned, before that discussion you did not know that intersex was existed. I felt the same way I never knew that there was even an intersex in our scientific world. You really opened up my eyes with some great points that you have brought up on your blog. What was really confusing to me was the fact that, that guy named Ru-paul who was a teacher and his job was to help these kids to be straight, and at the same time he turned out to be a big the biggest flirt by hiting on that muscular guy...I did not get that part...I whish you brought that part out.

    Thank you,

    Abner T. Richet

    May 21, 2010 12:26 PM

  3. Edit: I need to proof read my comments befor I post them.

    Abner Richet said... This is Abner Richet one of your class-mates commenting on your blog. I love the fact that you brought that point to my attention, where you have mentioned, before that discussion you did not know that intersex was existed. I felt the same way I never knew that there was even an intersex in our scientific world. You really opened up my eyes with some great points that you have brought up on your blog. What was really confusing to me was the fact that, that guy named Ru-paul who was a teacher and his job was to help these kids to be straight, and at the same time he turned out to be a big the biggest flirt by hiting on that muscular guy...I did not get that part...I whish you brought that part out.

    Thank you,

    Abner T. Richet

  4. Myles -

    Your blog does a good job of describing some of the topics from last week's class, but does not really analyze them. Make sure to be critical in your final blog entries versus just telling the reader what the films were about.

    - Ruth
